Principal's Message
Dear Parents
The students are on holidays, they are now in your care, so as I write my last e-News article of the year, our staff are heavily involved in professional development in preparation for the 2019 academic year. Our graduating class of 2018 who are ATAR students are also pensive this week, awaiting their results expected early next week.
In the last week of term for our students, we acknowledged our high achievers at the Year 7 - 11 Awards Ceremony, Year 11 students finishing their 25 days of Year 12 curriculum on the same day. I take this opportunity to thank the many parents, extended family members and friends who were able to attend this major event on the College calendar. Students who achieved subject and major Awards are listed in this week’s e-News.
Events in the last week included our Year 10 River Cruise, and our choirs performing at St John of God Hospital to cheer up the patients including the Children’s Ward and Maternity Ward. Then our College choir combined with the Yidarra Catholic Primary school Choir and the St Thomas More Bateman Parish Men’s Choir, performed at our P&F sponsored Christmas Carols Community event. We then concluded with the Middle School Mass and Ceremony on Thursday before all students completed the academic year, earning a good rest over the Christmas holiday period.
I take this opportunity to thank our parents for supporting the college in many of these events and congratulate our students on the wonderful way they finished the year.
Gratitude and farewells to our staff
On behalf of our community, I give thanks to our staff many of whom have shown dedication and commitment above and beyond the call of duty, outstanding teachers who provided additional tutorials after school to extend those students who excel to achieve their very best and supported students who are struggling, who coordinated countless extra-curricular activities in order to provide students with a balanced education. Whether in Student Services, the front Reception Desk, our administrative, ICT, maintenance and gardening staff, I believe they all go that ‘extra mile’ to support students at the College.
On behalf of the College I am grateful for the service provided by the staff who are leaving us at the end of the year.
Staff Farewells
We formally farewelled our staff leaving the College at the end of my speech to the community at the Year 7-11 Awards Ceremony recently.
Vice Principal Mrs Karen Prendergast has been appointed as Principal of Lumen Christi College after serving more than 3 years at AvÐÔ°® Christi. Karen has been an active Vice Principal, able to stand in for the Principal on many occasions in her absence, for which I have been grateful for.
Deputy Principal Mr Jim Elliott has been at AvÐÔ°® Christi for five years, having served Catholic education for more than 40 years, 12 years as Principal at Aranmore Catholic College. Jim has epitomised all that is good about Catholic education in his career, in the way Pope Francis would like us to be as teachers and leaders. We wish him well as he retires from full-time work.
Languages teacher Mrs Sue Cooper is also retiring after a long and prestigious career in a broad range of schools, five of them at AvÐÔ°®. Sue’s recent accomplishment in receiving the WA Modern Languages prestigious Hilde Dixon award means Mrs Cooper has also been recognised by her peers for her outstanding service to Language education.
After more than ten years of service at the College, Education Support Teacher Mr Peter Roberts is leaving us to start the next chapter in his life and career. Initially a science teacher, also holding an Acting Head of Science role during his time at the College, Peter then accepted a role teaching students with disabilities in the Science and Mathematics domains. Peter is always very patient with his students and very welcoming of visitors to his classroom, which has been appreciated.
Three other staff have been appointed to leadership positions in other schools and at the Catholic Education Office. Mr Daniel Budd has been appointed as the Coordinator Digital Learning with responsibilities now across 162 schools in WA. Mr Marc Caporn has been appointed as Head of English at Aquinas College after 7 years at AvÐÔ°® Christi College, whilst ICT teacher Mr Johnny Ho has been appointed as Director of Learning Technologies at Mandurah Catholic College.
Great teachers and leaders join us, grow and develop, then some are promoted. As a centre of excellence for developing staff, this is our culture at AvÐÔ°® Christi which we are proud of.
We also have a number of support staff who are leaving us.
After more than 20 years of service to the College, Cafeteria Assistant Mrs Yvonne Dodson retired late last term. We acknowledge Yvonne’s contribution, initially working in our ‘old canteen’, she has been a tireless servant to our student community over many years today.
After five years assisting the college as a Sound, lighting and ICT Technician, Mr Evan Georgopoulos will be leaving, along with Director of Community Relations Mr Marcus Passauer.
We give thanks to a number of staff covering teachers on leave or who have been with us in the past two years, including:
Psychology and Science teacher Mr James Pengelley
Science teacher Mrs Karen Rourke who returned earlier in the year to teach Year 11 and 12 Physics
Italian teacher, Ms Daniela Pruiti Ciarello
ICT support teacher, Ms Renee Ging
Humanities teacher Mr John Beattie
Music Assistant, Ms Abigail Radford
Sports Assistant, Ms Phoebe McGillivray
PE, Science and Technologies teacher Brad Nicolls has stepped into various roles at AvÐÔ°® during the year.
We are grateful to Mrs Cheryl-Lynn Mothiram who covered the Head of Year Ten role this term, and Ms Kristen Nairn who is covering the DeVialar House Coordinator’s position.
We also wish staff who will be on leave next year all the best:
Mrs Quint, Mr Kingwell, Mr O’Callaghan, Mr Connery, Mrs Mothiram, Mrs Fodor and Mr Brechany.
On behalf of the College we thank the staff leaving us and wish them all the best for the future. In Pope Francis’ words, ‘their love has been shown by little things, by attention to small daily signs which make us feel at home. Faith grows when it is lived and shaped by love. That is why our families, our homes, our schools, can be true domestic churches.’ We are grateful for the love and support shown by our staff in their daily work.
Notices from our Administration team:
Office Hours
Although the College Office re-opens on Monday 7 January 2019, the majority of administration staff will commence on Monday 14 January.
Students Not Returning
As a reminder, please note, parents are required to provide the College with one term’s notice if their child will not be returning to the College, except for senior students who accept places at TAFE or apprenticeships, or families moving interstate or overseas. As we have finalised class lists and teachers for 2019, we need the consideration of all families in this matter.
School commences…
Please note Year 7 and Year 11 and 12 students will commence on Monday 4 February, whilst all other students will commence on Tuesday 5 February 2019. We will be recognising the 2018 WACE high achievers from our current Year 12 cohort of students at the Whole School Assembly at 9.00am on the Tuesday. Parents are very welcome to attend.
Save the Dates:
·&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è; Annual Community Meeting, which comprises the Annual General Meetings of the Board and Parents and Friends Association will be held on Wednesday 13 February 2018 starting at 7.00 pm in the College Hall.
·&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è; The first P&F meeting: Tuesday 19 March at 7.00pm in the College Staffroom.
·&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è; College Musical Production: Beauty and the Beast Friday 2 and Saturday 3 August in our College Theatre.
Applications for Enrolment Year 7 2021
We are welcoming applications for enrolments during January.
If your child will be in Year 5 next year, please ensure your Application for Admission Form is submitted in January. The selection and interview process will commence again in earnest in Term One. Tour Days will be held on Tuesday 12 and Thursday 21 March 2019 – parents and prospective students are welcome to attend. Please contact Admissions Registrar Alexandra Carcione if you have any queries regarding enrolments.
Christmas Blessings
As this is the final e-news of the year, I would like to wish our families all God’s blessings as we proceed through advent in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Be happy at all times; pray constantly; and for all things give thanks to God, because this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus.
First Letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians 5:16
As the school year for 2018 draws to a close, and as we approach the holy days of Christmas, let us put ourselves into the hands of the Lord, praying for God’s protection and blessing. May we, and all our families and friends, find relaxation, refreshment and enjoyment in the coming summer holidays.
Best wishes and God Bless.
Mrs Caroline Payne