Middle School News

Final Days of Year Nine


Mrs Yvette Pearce

Head of Year 9

The Year 9ā€™s came to the end of their Middle School years on Thursday 6 December and spent some social time together. The students had the opportunity to take part in a number of activities where they socialized together while participating in either; Dance, Movies, Christmas cooking, Volleyball competition, Dodgeball competition, Bubble Soccer, Wall Climbing or Board Games.

The Year 9ā€™s have had a fast and furious year full of opportunities. Each has grown and developed many skills and built relationships. We wish them all the best for their entry into senior school.


Year 8 Zoo Sleepover

Mr Brian Hurn

Science Teacher


The Zoo AvŠŌ°® was very successful again this year.

With five staff, Brian Hurn, Claire Hall, Lorraine Carpenter, Deborah Santaromita and Kristen Nairn, twenty-four very well-behaved and motivated Year 8s who love animals attended with great excitement. This is a unique experience. Zoo staff constantly expressed admiration for how well and how quickly our students performed the various challenging activities.

Students were exposed to various educational experiences including

  • conservation activities involving the endangered status of zoo species.

  • different enrichment processes that are used to engage captive animals.

  • construction of an enrichment activity for the Lemurs and Capuchins.

  • hands-on reptile experience.

  • guided spotlight night-time tour of African savannah

  • exposure to the sounds and sights of night at the zoo.


Student Leadership 2019

Congratulations to the following students who have been successful in being elected to a student leadership position in 2019.

Years 8 Representatives ā€“ Student Leadership Team 2019



Year 8 Representatives

Chisholm House

Marcus Dalley

Ava Versaico

de Vialar House

Nicholas Cutri

Donnay Brown

MacKillop House

Jared Radojkovic

Charlotte Horniman

Merici House

Mia Anderson

Isaac Pavy

Pallotti House

Jacinta Thamrin

Jayden Fung

Romero Hosue

Taylor Kew

Adam Acquaola

Salvado House

Tessa Paton

Riley Lings

Xavier House

Troy Jones

Jenna Harvey

Arts Captains

Lee Bishop

Gisela Zumanpo


William Lewis

Lily Daniel


Natalia Guocci

Luca Dā€™Amato

Student Ministry

Jezlyn Tribbeck

Bridget Dass

Years 9 Representatives ā€“ Student Leadership Team 2019



Year 9 Representatives

Chisholm House

Emma Garland

Jack Lilley

de Vialar House

Carys Vincent de Souza

Oliver George

MacKillop House

Isabella Rossi

Yang Chau

Merici House

Dayna Carrara

Dickson Phoon

Pallotti House

Natasha Arumugam

Declan Cooper

Romero Hosue

Erin Peters

Emmanuel Foo

Salvado House

Molly Dawkins

Jovin Ogwaro

Xavier House

Zoee Cokcetin

Harry Dunleavy

Arts Captains

Elizabeth Blair

Brendan Boudville


May Hopwood

Christopher Shanahan


Elke Ruane

Christopher Yao

Student Ministry

Erika Machado

Sydney Sudiarko



In the lead up to Christmas, AvŠŌ°® Christi College students gave the gift of their hand made and decorated teddy bears to unwell patients at St John of God Murdoch Hospital on Monday 3 December. In the past, the bears have been a welcome gift for many people who find being in hospital a daunting experience.

AvŠŌ°® Christiā€™s Coordinator of Christian Service Katrina Thomas says the school endeavours to undertake Christian Community service with meaningful and helpful projects for the community. 

ā€œThe year seven students explored the idea of Christian Service and how through showing the love of charity, we could make a real difference in the life of others,ā€ Ms Thomas said. 

The College Choir from AvŠŌ°® Christi College also sang Christmas Carols in a number of different areas around the hospital.



Mr Italiano

Deputy Principal Middle School


Parents will access their childā€™s report through SEQTA - Engage.  These will be available after 5:00pm Thursday 13 December.

To access Reports, please follow the following instructions:

Ā·       Logon to SEQTA - Engage as you have previously done or access the link from the College Intranet - . 

Ā·       Click on Reports ā€“ as highlighted below.


Ā·       When you access this section you will see all of your children. Select a child and then the Report titled 2018S2.

Ā·       Under the Download section click on the pdf document that is there and access this as you normally would for a document of this type.  (If you do not have a pdf reader installed on your computer this can be downloaded by accessing ).

 Ā·       Once the Report is downloaded you can now save and print this document if you wish.


Biotechnology and Ethics ā€“ Year 9 Academic Excellence Program

 Filipa Carvalho

Head of Academic Excellence

On Tuesday 4 December and Wednesday 5 December, students from AvŠŌ°® Christi College participated in a Biotechnology and Ethics workshop.  On the first day, students learnt about Henrietta Lacks, a black African woman, whose cervical cancer cells were taken without her knowledge and later named ā€˜HeLa cellsā€™.  These cells have played a key role in the development of the polio and cervical cancer vaccines, cloning and much more, due to their unique characteristic of being immortal. In addition, students discussed the ethical principles of different case studies including the use of artificial intelligence and the importance of making decisions based on human morals. Students would like to thank Ms Hickey and Ms Lavelle for taking part in day one.

On the second day, the students spent the day at Murdoch University. They had the opportunity to learn some laboratory skills and work with Henriettaā€™s cells. Furthermore, they listened to scientists explaining their research and discussing the advances in science and the implications these have on all of us. Overall the two days were extremely challenging, thought provoking and enjoyable.

Some comments from students included:

ā€˜The last two days have been engaging and challenging. It gave me the opportunity to extend my knowledge on topics we donā€™t usually get ā€œexposedā€ to.ā€™  -Leah Nigli

ā€˜I found both days very informative and intriguing. I especially enjoyed working in the lab and learning about all the new concepts and the ethics behind it.ā€™ - Sanjeeve Singh

ā€˜I really enjoyed the excursion to learn more about biotechnology, specifically the use of HeLa cells. I found it amazing that the cells of just one woman could affect medicine and save the lives of so many.ā€™ ā€“ Alira Milan

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